Why You Feel Like You’re Falling When You’re Going to Sleep

Those involuntary twitches in your arms, legs, or even your whole body are called “sleep starts” or “hypnic jerks,” says Michael Breus, Ph.D., a sleep expert and author of The Power of When.

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Don’t panic: They’re very common and not harmful, he explains. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation estimates that up to 70 percent of us experience hypnic jerks on occasion (sometimes we may not even recall them since we’re in a hazy state of almost-slumber when they happen).


Docs aren’t 100 percent decided on what causes the muscle spaz, but there are some ideas. “The basic theory is that your nervous system is switching to sleep mode,” says Breus. As it relaxes, your heart rate slows, your body temp drops, and your muscle tone shifts, causing the twitches.

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Another idea: Your brain, in essence, falls asleep before your body, and it misinterprets your muscles relaxing as a sign that you’re actually falling, says Breus.

There also appears to be a common thread among the people who experience sleep starts. “In my patients who have these issues, the frequency increases with sleep deprivation,” says Breus. The more sleep deprived you are, the quicker your brain falls asleep, which can lead to the hypnic jerks.

So to fall into bed sans that feeling of falling, keep a date with your pillow for eight hours every night. Then, be sure to prioritize you’re Zzz’s throughout the day, says Breus. A few suggestions: Cut out caffeine after 2 p.m., decompress with meditation or by reading a book (no phones or iPads allowed!), keep booze to a minimum, and harness your stress levels.

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If the hypnic jerks are happening every night or keep you from logging adequate shuteye, see your doc just to be safe.

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