You’ve Got to See How Much This Hospital Charged a Dad for Holding His Newborn Baby

Redditors were pissed, and the post made the front page of the website. 

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Ryan says in the post that he was asked whether he wanted to hold his son after the newborn was delivered—and obviously, he said yes. He held his new baby between his wife’s neck and chest while a nurse took pictures. Somehow, that cost him $40.

Janet Frank, a spokeswoman for Utah Valley Hospital, where Ryan’s wife gave birth, said in a statement to the New York Times that he was charged because an extra nurse was needed in the operating room while Ryan and his wife held their baby. The nurse was necessary to ensure that “both mom and baby remain safe,” she said. 

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Ryan says he’s not pissed about the whole thing, though, and actually thinks it’s pretty funny. “We knew what we were signing up for and have some money saved up,” he wrote. “Everyone involved in the process was great, and we had a positive experience. We just got a chuckle out of seeing that on the bill.”